Sunday, 5 February 2012

Ways of Online Voting May Be Conducted

Online voting may be conducted in a variety of ways:

• 'Poll site' internet voting systems require voters to go to
staffed polling places and use computers to cast their
votes. The internet is used to transfer ballots from each
polling place to centralised tallying centres.
• 'Regional poll site' internet voting systems allow voters
to go to any poll site in a particular city or region to cast
their vote. The system keeps track of which voters have
already cast their ballots, and delivers the correct ballot
paper to each voter based on where he or she resides.
• 'Kiosk' internet voting systems allow voters to vote from
computers in kiosks set up by the voting authority in
convenient locations.The kiosks are not monitored by poll 
workers at all times and may allow voting over a period of 
several days or weeks.
• 'Remote' systems allow voters to vote from any
computer connected to the internet - typically at home
or at work.

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